Welcome to the Central Queens Elementary Hot Lunch web site.
On this site parents will be able to place orders for milk and limited lunch items that are offered by the school. This site and the facilitation of ordering items with suppliers is completely managed by volunteers of the Home and School Association. If you are interested in supporting the hot lunch program by volunteering your time please contact the Home and School Association.
At the beginning of each school year, parents must register or re-register to put students in their new classes. Please use the same email as previous year in order to carry over any credit you had remaining on your account. Once you have registered with the same email, and can see the credit balance has transferred, you are welcome to update your email address to another that is more current, if desired.
This year we will be ordering in 2 week blocks. Ordering deadlines will be the same as the Healthy School Lunch Program being offered by the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning.
All orders and payments are due by NOON on Thursdays for each 2 week ordering period.
The upcoming dates for ordering are as follows:
Thursday February 6 @noon: week of February 10 - 14 and February 17 - 21
Thursday February 20 @ noon: weeks of February 24 - 28 and March 3 - 7
Thursday March 6 @ noon: weeks of March 10 - 14
No orders can be accepted after NOON on the THURSDAY that the order is due. Please write a reminder on your calendar, set an alarm on your phone, or do whatever it takes to remember your deadline.There is an effort made to post reminders on the Home and School FaceBook page, however, as the hot lunch ordering system is completely run by volunteers with busy lives there is no guarantee of a reminder ... nor that you will actually see the reminder if one is posted.
Any unpaid orders as of the deadline will not be processed and you will be responsible for making lunch for your child or children. Please ensure your email address is up to date as you will be notified by email if/when this happens.
We encourage online Payment via Bambora with a VISA, MasterCard, or VISA Debit Card. This form of payment will reduce the work required by Administration, save paper, and make tracking orders significantly easier for all involved.
Those unable to place orders online as referenced above may contact the school to discuss alternate arrangements, prior to any order submission deadline.
We want to work with all parents to make this system work for everyone. Please feel free to contact the Home and School Association and/or Carolyn MacKinnon (cgmackinnon1@gmail.com) with any suggestions for improvement or problems you have with the system.
Carolyn MacKinnon on behalf of CQES Home & School
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